If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, you can return it within a period of 14 business days from date of delivery. Please contact our Customer Service department at 00 34 661 271430 and send us the product in perfect condition and unused.

The return shipment costs to our warehouse are borne by the customer.

Once we receive the merchandise in our warehouse and verify that all the above conditions are met, the return of the product will be accepted and the amount will be refunded accordingly to the payment method you chose at the time of purchase.

If you made the payment via credit card, you will be paid the amount on the same card.

If you made the payment by transfer, we will request an account number to pay you back.

You will receive the refund of the amount within a maximum period of 15 business days from the receipt in our warehouse of the unused product.

Keep in mind that if you paid by credit card, your bank may not show you the amount of the refund in your balance until the following month.

Please note that we do not accept postage due, before any change contact us.

Likewise, we inform you that we cannot accept returns and exchanges of products purchased in physical stores or stalls.

Remember that due to the traditional handmade process with which each of our pieces is made, it is possible that some of the colors or shapes of the items do vary slightly in relation to the images shown on our website.

All our items are handmade, and with materials treated in an environmentally friendly way. Leather tanned in this way has a penetrating aroma that will fade over time. It can also present freckles or natural marks characteristic of the skin, these being the best way to recognize that the product is traditionally handmade.

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